If you wanna know how to make your own copper clothes hanger stay tuned =).
This hanger is freaking easy, You just need a few things and some really basic instruments to build it.
First of all you need three basic supplies:
Steps: cut the tube to your desired length, as well as you leather straps, remember to make them a bit longer than you want them to be because they will get shorter. Cut one hole at the ends of each leather strap. (reason on the pictures below)
The next step:
Attach the hooks to your wall and hang the leather straps on them.
After that put the tube trough them and balance them out until they won´t swing forth and back anymore.
And thats the finished clothes hanger
This style of hanging up you stuff is really versatile.Not just for storing clothes or jewellery. I made the first one and decided to make a second one to hang my hats on. I enjoy the look of it and the copper (because i love it). I just thinks it has a nordic vibe to it and makes the room feel organized and adds an interesting eyecatcher. The hat hanger is inspired by pinterest pictures. They just attached some strings to the tube and the hats to the strings by using some little clips.
Be creative with this hanger. Try different leather colours, lengths or even wood instead of copper (I think I will try that too , just sad that my room is far to small for all those hangers =)))
And for the sake of trying out new camera options a little video:
I wish you all a nice day or evening ,
See you next time
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