Donnerstag, 17. Dezember 2015

Christmas Series Part 2: Hanging christmas garden

I love hanging decoration. Suddenly there is a whole other space to decorate. I love the new space above our dining table. It is the main space were we sit around christmas time so why not make it appropriated ? Its delicate and festive and something different we never made before. Plus it doesn't stop the light from coming above so the room stays nice and light.

You need:
  • string (ligth colors, or translucent)
  • tiny pine branches 
  • pearls, beads, crystals (small) with holes
  • scissors 

Its really simpel to make them:

  • you need a horizontal line to hang the lines that should hang vertical
  • then put some beads onto your string with your desired gap between them
  • now attach the branches on several parts of the string (looks best with different shapes and sizes)
  • make a lot of them and hang them either next to each other (like a curtain,  is good if you only want window decoration), or hang them like in lines parallel to each other to make a 3D, room filling garden
  • they sparkle even more if you spray paint the branches golden or with glitter

You see, easier is impossible and the effect is huge. People just lay underneath the garden to watch it sparkle in the nighttime. They also look really beautiful if the sunlight hits the beads and crystals.
So why not make a hanging garden? And you definitely will have the space for this decoration =)

Have a nice day.

Until next time,

See you

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