Dienstag, 31. März 2015

Fresh start

Hi there
Right now , a really long period of steady studing made me neglect my inner creativist (I hope that word really exists, if not , you should unterstand what i want to say ; ) ). Now im done with it and I wanted to do something that would fill my time with stuff , that I enjoy doing. Photographie, little painting , crafting, baking, cooking and decorating.
But I thought I could also connect these passions with people out there. I now the internet is filled with everything that your creative heart desires but I think , I want to be a part of that. Maybe some people fell inspired and say " Ok let´s do that", and have as much fun while doing is as I do. By the way, I´m not a native english speaker I´m german, so please ignore the weak grammar and some mistakes. After my little intro why I wanted to start this blog, I´ll quikly introduce myself. Im Lena, live in germany and am 18 years old. I allways shared a great passion for crafting and doing things by myself. I don´t really know , which things will be included in this blog but it could range from baking to fashion or from make-up to traveling. I will use this as my little back-up plattform to spread my creativity. So I hope you´ll enjoy it and have a great day. (And good weather, because the weather in germany is pretty much horrible at the moment )
Lovely day

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