Mittwoch, 9. Dezember 2015

Mushroom Pesto

Pesto is a all time favorite of me. Its a lot of stuff mushed together to taste really delicious if put on spaghetti, bread or as a base for other treats. The best thing: It doesn´t take long to make and you can mix the ingredients as much as you please.

This particular pesto is one of those random mixed ones with a lot in it and a whole lot of flavor.
I am not extremely into mushrooms but I had to use them up before they taint.

Because its winter we didn´t had any basil around but it didn't matter. In case you miss an ingredient you can likely substitute it with a similar one.

You need:

  • handfull mushrooms (I took champignons)
  • 3 Gloves 
  • 400-500ml olive oil
  • branch rosemary, 4 branches cilantro
  • 10g dried olives
  • walnuts, cashews, pineseeds (chopped)
  • salt, pepper
  • 50g grounded parmesan cheese
  • 200-500g spaghetti
How to cook:
  • slice mushrooms in small slices, put into a preheated pan on medium heat with some olive oil
  • after 3 min. add 1 grounded clove, cook for 2min. on
  • take mushrooms out of the pan
  • put nuts into pan, roast on medium heat for a few minutes
  • prepare spaghettis
  • add 400ml. olive oil into  a blender, add the other ingredients
  • first mix for a few seconds, than taste and flavor how desired
  • you can put spaghettis and some pesto into another pan to roast them a little bit
  • for presentation and crunchiness add some nuts over your served meal
  • enjoy
You see its a "put it all in a mix the crap out of it" recipe and very easy. You can store the pesto a few days due the amount of oil. Put the leftovers into a glass jar and enjoy the pesto later.

I hope you try it yourself and mix it up he way you like to.

Wish you all a nice day.

Until  next time.

See you

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