I don´t know exactly what it is, why I love those mugs, bowls and plates so much. I know I have far to many of them and need none. I use them, but I can only use one at a time.
Maybe I don´t want a picture to decorate my space, maybe I put a shelf on there and display some pretty plates or bowls. Theres something about seeing and feeling those little artworks. They all look different and feel different on the skin. You won't find an exact copy of a handmade pottery.
Another aspect that really gets me every time I see a shop of mugs, handcrafted bowls or personalized cups is the connection to the location and therefore with the memories.
Those little buggers remind me of my vacation, places that I have visited. You could think these work as souvenirs but lets be honest my friends would look really strange at me if I brought them a little bowl as a souvenir. They are gifts to myself and I can actually use them.
A little story. My family is visiting a little place in South France since I have been a little kid. I love the place. The nature, the people, the food and the villages. Everything seems to be sweeter and brighter. I am pretty sure thats 50% my head and 50% reality but it doesn't matter as long as I feel so happy about that place. Last year my mom, boyfriend, sister and me went to a little new cafe in the streets of a town nearby. The owner is a really nice french lady with a really sweet golden retriever. We sat down at one of the small tables and ordered some coffee (how unexpected. I know.) She brought my café au lait and I immediately fell in love with the bowl. In france they usually serve café au lait in bowls and to be honest I love it that way. You grab onto the whole bowl and really felt the smooth surface of the bowl and and at the bottom the rough natural texture of the clay.
I drunk my hot café and saw more and more of the beautiful details in the bowl. Handprinted with gold paint on the upper edges of the bowl. Luckily they sell those babies inside the café and I am honest with you , I could´nt really decide which one was prettier. I picked this beauty.
And now I use this bowl and always think of that warm day with my family and friends and the beauty of this moment. I know it sounds cheesy but if it works for me than it can´t be cheesy enough.
And lets be honest. Nobody gets harmed. I support some artists who hopefully love to do their artworks, get a unique piece of art and a memory catcher. Only person who might think negativ is my dad who has to offer more space for more mugs =))) Sorry for that but my family uses them too (And I think they also enjoy the nice looks of them).
My goal for the future is to make a little set by myself. Maybe just two cups, or a set of espresso cups and plates. I don't know. I love to own those babies but making them myself would be the next level of awesomeness.
I hope you liked this little random thought walk. If you have obsessions like me, maybe other things I would really like to know about them.
Until next time, Have a nice (in my case snowy day)
See you
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