Freitag, 18. März 2016

Easter Treats Part 2 - Plaited Yeast Bun with Poppy Seeds

                   Like an air balloon,

                                   Hi all you easter people. Onto Part 2 of my little easter series. 
                                  An all time favorite are yeast buns. I every imaginary shape, please. 

                                   This particular recipe developed in a short time. 
                                   I always use the same basic recipe for yeast dough. 
                                   And don't be afraid, yeast dough needs time and thats the key. 
                                   Give it enough time to fully prove and rise like a little air balloon. 

                                  Yeast dough is a bit more fragile like other doughs so be patient
                                   but be prepared to get a nice reward in form of a lovely rise.

                                  Poppy seeds add a nice filling to the bun and give it lasting moisture. 

                                 And don't forget to add a nice place on top to give the bun a delicately 
                                 taste and nice shine.

Good luck with your rise. This is a great tea and coffee treat. 
So enjoy your tea-time. 

Until next time

See you,

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