Mittwoch, 16. März 2016

Easter Treats Part1 - Curd Hens with Apricot Jam

Easter cookies to treat yourself...

                                Easter is just around the corner. In honor of all the busy hens lets      
                                        make some sweet and puffy(just like hens) cookies. 
                                        Delicious and simple.

                                       These cookies are really soft through the curd mixed into the dough.
                                       I never thought about mixing curd into cookie dough until my sister
                                      first tried out these babies and I loved them. So i thought : 
                                      Why not make them hen shaped? 
                                      I really like hens. They are just adorable and communicative. 

                                      And what makes a good cookie even better? Right , lots of filling.
                                      In my case, I chose apricot jam. I just love the taste of it.
                                      Its sweet, sour and looks just vibrant. My love for this jam developed
                                      last summer when we got some really fresh and incredible sweet apricots
                                      from a farm in france. 
                                     We just drove home to where we were staying and I almost ate half of the bag        
                                     we bought. My mom decided to make jam out of them and now 
                                      I can´t get enough from them. 
                                     My personal favorite is my moms, but if you can´t make it yourself
                                     (like me at the moment , why winter???)  I like the one from "Bon Mamman".

                                     Back to the main act, the "cookies". 
                                     One thing I should mention is their rise while baking. 
                                     Just take into consideration that the cookies may not stay 
                                     as precisely shaped after baking.  
                                     So choose some more spacious cookie cutters. 

                                     A little thing I wanted to introduce is the new design for the recipe.
                                     From now on I will be making a nice recipe for every food post 
                                     to print out and easily use in your kitchen. 
                                     I hope you like the design (I really enjoyed making it)


Like always enjoy baking and eating those babies.
Happy Easter and a nice day

Until next time,

See you

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