Donnerstag, 21. April 2016

My strange brain pt.1

I´m really suprised. It seems like I just wanted to clear out my wardrobe and now I am clearing out my life? And everyone else, too? I figured out some things. Some which may be important for me and my way of living. Thinking new is a part of the change. Thinking more and in other places less.
Take into consideration if you´re ethical (in front of yourelf), sustainable and have a choice in the world.

My choices should change for a really egoistic reason. For myself. And that may sound bad but in the end its for me because I want to feel good about my deeds, my choices and my life. I am on a new path. Seeing things, I dind´t see (or want to see), learning things, I didn´t knew and connecting with the world around me.

I am not perfect and so is no human on this planet. But I am interested in learning, I want to think new and for most , find my own way to feel happy and be an egoist about that.

And I want to be more of myself. To me and my people around me.

They sometimes think I am learning something new and straight jump into it, if in reality, I just want the conversation with them, their views and maybe their knowledge. I don´t want to dominate over peoples opinions I want to hear theirs.

Minimalism is an old friend I allways new but somehow never really got in touch. Its funny but this toppic was really consuming my interest. Its just so simple but so effective for those who want to live that way. With less but more at the same time. Minimalists often say that you let go of stuff but you´re richer than ever due to your new won time, money, and freedom.

I dont want to become a Minimalist, I want to try this lifestyle out and see if it fits me.

Maybe there will follow some toppics considering minimalism in everyday life.

We will see,

Until next time,


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