Montag, 25. April 2016

Wild Garlic Pesto

Wild about Wild Garlic,

Mh, so smelly but so delicious

Wild about Wild Garlic,

Mh, so smelly but so delicous

Oh yes. You can smell the delicousness of this allrounder for shure. Its like garlic but different. It´s spicy but tender and for shure leaves some stinky breath. But hey, problems can be solved by simple mathematics. Negaitv plus negativ equals plus, right? Meaning, if the food is that good that everyone eats it, no one can complain about their stanky breaths. Problem solved. =)

Now to the real things. Making some delicous pesto for a nice picknick or a lot of other things, I will tell you some possibilities later.

Tipps for the pesto:
  • dont over mix it or the basil will get bitter
  • if you want to keep it longer, add no cheese or at the time you actually serve the pesto
  • if you want to make it more liquid, add more oil, otherwise add more basil
  • this recipe is the same as pesto genovese except you exchange the wild garlic through basil and the walnuts trough roasted pine nuts, anyway try different herbs and nuts, maybe you will get a really good version of pesto for yourself (Olives, tomato,...)
Enjoy this pesto with:
  • spaghetti
  • as as spread for bagels, mozarella sandwiches 
  • for salad dressings
  • to season other sauces 

And a little extra on how to make some Wild Garlic Butter:

Just puree a lot of wild garlic and mix it with salt and pepper under a lot of butter. Rolle the butter into tinfoil and voila you can now put it in the freezer and have herb butter whenever you need it.

The Butter is great for:
  • placing into baguette and melting it
  • as a spread for sandwiches
  • spicing up meat/steaks

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