Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2016

Flew Market Action Part 2

After the flew market

I´ve done it. Back from the market day with some little impressions and a little exhausted.

The market I went to is usually good visited and has a lot of different people there, buying different
things. Some just want to browse through the masses of clothes and others prefer to juggle with your prizes.


The flew market I went to started around 4pm and lasted until 7pm. The sellers got in about 1 hour early to prepare their stalls and make things look desirable and presentable.
We drove there by car and brought everything in. We rented a side place, which was useful for the customers to fully see our clothes on the rod. The organizers provided us a table and we put some stuff on there.
Its really a shame but I forget to take a picture of the stall.
To exlplain:
We had a corner place, put our rag on the corner, next to it a standing mirror and on the other side our table. We also brought a little beer bench with us.
The best clothes hang on the clothing rod, the organized basic boxes in front of the table, on the lower beer bench, with the shoes in front of it. On top of the table we arranged our pants, jumpers and jewelry as well as nail polish.

About that time, the sellers themselves started to look around for good pieces to snatch before the people could get in, so be prepared for that. Just lay down your best pieces as you arrange them, so the other sellers can see them. Also for yourself, look around if you are 2or more to maybe get a treasure before the visitors of the flew market get in.

How did it go along

The time did go by quiet fast. We sold some things, had a few conversations and sometimes had to guess what the person in front of me wanted to ask me (they didn't always speak german). Some people asked if they could try it on. Everyone came back and no piece was stolen, which is really positiv.


This is mainly for the customers on my market, because they are different in every location.
They´ve been mainly nice, asked for the prices and tried the clothes on. If you want to be safe for your things to come back, ask them to leave a deposit. In my place, people often negotiated a little bit but not too much. Most of the time I lowered the price about 1 Euro and got a good result.
Sometimes I didn´t say yes to the prize they wanted and let them go by. If there is a piece in your collections that is super clean, and unused and had been expensive, state a prize and leave it there.

What was mainly sold

A flex things were running pretty good and others not at all. I sold quiet some nail polishes and some jewelry as they are cheaper pieces and people are more likely to buy them therefore. Sometimes people look for brands. Not even expensive ones, but the ones that are more hard to reach in your area and present them visible.

What was hardly going away

Shoes were never really touched. People didn´t seem to care too much for them. Also the box with basics was looked at a lot but I just sold a few of those pieces.

What would I repeat

Rent a "corner" place, where you can present your clothes from 2 sides
Put tags on the different boxes
Roll my basics up (they box looked clean throughout the whole market and people commented positive on those, plus you could saw all of the pieces)
Present my jewelry nicely
Hang your prettiest pieces up, and sort them for color
Bring a chair to sit on and enough water, also something to eat
Do it together with other people you like, to enjoy your time

What wouldn´t I repeat

Make a lot of effort for paper bags, people carry their own bags for the occasion, so it´s best to just have a few of them with you

So my final thoughts

I really liked the planning and sorting out, plus I got a real good overview over my clothes. The event was easy going and made fun. I had no problems with theft or rude people. I will most likely repeat it if I want to in the future.

For now, I want to keep my closet as minimal and basic as I like to. Also, the market had a lot of good and bad stuff, but I think if I need something in the future (clothing wise) I will look out for that market again.

And thats about it. I hope you learned something helpful for your flew market action.

Have a nice day.

Until next time,

See you

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