Donnerstag, 17. September 2015

Pumpkin Carrot Soup

Cooking time:  Pumpkin Carrot Soup

Fall and winter have some really freaking cold days especially up in the north. I really enjoy hot soups on these days. It makes you feel warm from the inside. I´m honest. I don´t like broth soups too much mostly because I´m not capable to cook a good one but there are other soups, thicker ones, that are really simpel to make and therefore even I can´t mess them up.

This particular soup is even more warming due to the curry spice you shuff into it.

Here´s a small illustration on how to make it

You will need: 
  • 400g potatoes
  • 100g hokaido pumpkin
  • 800-1000 ml vegetable stock (warm)
  • some ginger
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • some butter
  • curry powder
  • salt and pepper

And now on how to do it:
  • peel potatoes and cut into small cubes
  • do the same with the pumpkin and don´t forget to take the inner flesh out (with seeds)
  • heat pot to medium till hot and put around 2-3 tablespoons butter in it
  • if its almost melted pour potatoes and the pumpkin in the pot
  • season with curry powder, salt and pepper
  • let it cook till the potatoes get slightly brownish
  • now pour the vegetable stock into the pot and stir around
  • set the timer on 15 minutes
  • Next cut carrots into small cubes as well and press both the ginger and the garlic through a garlic press
  • after the 15 minutes, add carrots, ginger and garlic to the mmixtur
  • let it cook for another 10 minutes until everything is nicely cooked through
  • now take a hand mixer and puree your soup until its smooth and chunk-free
  • if its to think, just add some more vegetable stock and puree again
  • If you´re really fancy you can either add some cream or sunnflowerseedoil
Either way, enjoy your hot soup and let the curry spice up your day

Wish you all a nice day

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