Freitag, 2. Oktober 2015

DIY Mini Series: Fall Decoration Mushroom table decor

Hi there,

I´m a big fan of decoration my families house. One place in particular is my target for changing the decor through the different seasons., our dining table. Its square, huge and wooden. The area around it is really good for different kind of decor. The huge window behind allows to hang up dainty decor and the windowsills to the side offer some more space to place little items like flowers vases or candels.

The first little project is not a real DIY. It´s more an inspiration on how to assemble a fall table decoration.

Things you could use are mostly natural. Pretty branches, decor mushrooms (wood,glass,foam,etc.), chestnut, wood plates, moss, dried flowers, leaves etc.

The main idea behind it, is to assemble slightly different items that follow a similar colour pattern. For example, if you´re more into a clean look but want to have a fall decor, just choose clean colours like white, cream or light grey. If you´re itmes are not these colours you can allways spray paint them. You can add harsh materials to soft colours (F.e. stone or croncrete with light green moss or white cottonwool).

Personally, I enjoy the natural look of the different items the most, therefore I dind´t hange their colour.

This is my assembly

The mushrooms are all from depot, the moss is from my garden and the wood plate is saw off of a tree trunk in my garden as well. The shale plate and the table runner are also from depot.

At first it annoyed me that the wood plate broke into too parts. But in the end, I think it looks better that way, because the mushroom could fit into the middle and it looks like it grows out of the gap.
So work with either the things you´ve already around you or collect different bits that suit the assembly.

Just be creative with it and try different combinations to find the perfect fall table decoration.

I hope you cought some creative touhgts through the pictures and the tipps.

Have a nice day and see you

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