Montag, 7. März 2016

Feed your soul

Hey Ho there , all you normal people out there with all your "normal" eating habits.
Funny, isn't it? Eating should be normale, in general. But I think the times of "normal" eating is long gone. There are various styles of eating. Vegan, Vegetarian, Paleo, Meat eaters and other creatures of the "what should you eat and what is realllllly bad for you" jungle.

I don´t know whats the matter with all of them but I know for sure that eating was never a big topic for me until I started researching for several problems in our food industry. I watched some Youtube videos and everyone seems to have so substantial arguments with even more substantial sources. Do this and do that. Never ever touch that and always remember "Enjoy your food" (Even though restriction is really important).

So for shure at first I was really confused and a bit frustrated. Now what? Eating air? So i guess I have to figure out what style of eating I would like to participate. To be honest I would really like to have a good impact on the planet but in todays society its impossible to have such a standard.

I found out for myself (and after a nice coffee talk with my mom) that there is ONE thing that really matters to me. Feeling good. Feeling good with the food that goes into my body.

And that could be that the food is organic, fair-trade or even local. My favorite example are eggs. On the internet people say that eggs are unhealthy, but I found a way for myself to deal with that. I buy eggs from a farmer on my daily drive. What really matters with those eggs is that I can actually see those chickens on a big terrain always outside and running free. I know this might be placebo effect but I swear those eggs taste a lot better, the egg yolk is vibrant yellow and the shell is really durable (these eggs never break if I want to cook them in water)

For me, I think eating should be happiness and the process as well. So if I like to eat meat, at least its from somewhere sourced where there have been happy cows. I think a good mixture of everything is always good.

There is definitely some meaning behind "soul food". Its for you, because you are the one to decide how to treat your body. Yeah for sure , sometimes you are one a wrong path. But you should listen to your body and it will tell you what is wrong. Just give it some time and figure out what works the best for you.

At the end of the day, food and eating is a normal thing that shouldn´t be consuming our thoughts but neither should it be unimportant.

Like always keep your balance and maybe you will find your path that fits you the best.

Good luck on it and don't get distracted by everything around you. You should rather see others habits as inspiration.

Until next time I wish you all a nice day and enjoy your meal.

See you

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