Sonntag, 5. Juni 2016

Flew Market Action Part 1

First time on the other side. 

I am secretly a flee market fan. Even though I have never really found anything super duper fancy or a vintage high end brand for some euros, I still think there is a nice thing about going to the flew market and browse through mostly funny stuff. Most oft he time I just stand in front of the clothes and laugh into myself. Lets just say, fashion has been a lot different in the past.

Nevertheless, I wanted to stand on the other side of the market table for once. And I konw myself. I get way too excited and want to make too much around the market. But I tamed myself and minimized the amount of work to a level of some creative aspects but mainly thinking about the main reason I want to go tot he market: selling my stuff to other that may like them better and use them.

Like allways, I like to do some planning, to relax on the day oft he flew market.

Some things I did have been:

  • ·      Organize my closet, jewellery, shoes, etc. (I have a detailed post of it on the blog)
  • ·      As well as the rest of my family
  • ·      Obviously rent a place on the market
  • ·      Thought, how to present the stuff
  • ·      Think about things you will need extra like cash, change, etc.
  • ·      Get an overview of the clothes, etc., start organizing in sections
  • ·      Figure out, how much it will cost, also make some bigger categories for prizing ( for ex.: all T-Shirts in this box cost the same)
  • ·      Pack it up
  • ·      Enjoy your time at the market (best with at least 2 people, because the toilet will not come to you =)) 

Presenting your stuff:

Its best to think, what you like in shops. I personally like clothes on rags, but jumpers on tables nicely folded, and basics just easily sorted in a box. So I made shure, I can use a nice simple clothing rag, use the table, which is within the prize for the market place, a lillte bench for shoes and some boxes for basics or pieces you have a lot of. I also decided to roll my basics up, so I can prepare the box the day before, safe some time and make it look really nice and sorted but still like a „browse through“ box.

How I would structure the place:

If you already know how your place is gonna look like (at a wall, in the middle, at the end of a row),
just scribble a little plan, where you want to put everything. It will take a lot of stress on the actually flew market day and will give you some extra time to rearrang it, if necessary.

Additional things:

I would take some additional stuff with me, to make the day a lot easier:
·      Cash box, enough cash (precounted), some 5, 10 bills, calculator
·      Some camping chairs, water, food, if youre outside an umbrella
·      Paper bags for the customers (I painted mine, to look a bit prettier) 

Paper, pencil

Overview over your stuff:

Categorizing and sorting thins makes life easier. First, look through all your things and organize them. For Example my categories: t-shirts, tops, light jumpers, heavy jumpers, pants, skirts, leggings, basic dresses, swimwear, scarfs, jewelry, shoes, cosmetics and things you wanna hang on the rag ( will explain that in a minute). Watch them carefully to find mayor spots or bad smelling clothes.
I put some in the washer, some in the „Altkleider Container“ (like charitiy) and the rest can go into the bin.
The things on the rag should be the best pieces. They are hanging and are best visible for your potential customers. I sorted them a bit, so they are looking good together on the rag. If you have a nice looking place, people will more likely browse through your stuff.

The prize part:

You can do it the old way and be spontaneous about your stuff or you can label each oft hem. I decided to label all on the rag and put the rest in some boxes and label them with one prize the same for all. Make some cute banners and put them on the box or in front of it. For the labels, just cut out some label-shaped paper (magazines ,etc (just use old things, to prevent extra costs) and write a price on them. Try to attach them loosely on the clothing. (I attached them with a very thin yarn)

I have never sold things myself on the flew market, but most people try to get a lower prize.
I will try out this method: the prizes will be a bit higher than I would expect them to be, so there is room to go down and still make a good deal with the person in front of you.

I am really excited and will report how my plan moved along. If some of the things I made where too much and if my strategy has been successful.

Until then, Have a nice summer start,

See you

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